

国際交流 < 過去のニュース

2023グローバルリーダー研修 in Boston Students’ diary 2

Aug 19 2023

I thought the key word for today's activities was "connection."
First of all, in the study center, I learned that all 17 goals of the SDGs are "connected".  For example, number 3, health and well-being, and number 9, industry, innovation and infrastructure, are connected.  At first, these seemed unrelated to me, but later I realized that both had a common point that could be solved by some developing technologies.  There were many more like that.
Second, as I listened to everyone at the career workshop, I caught a key word "connection", which reminded me that every career requires communication skills.  I realized that it is important to share every idea and opinion, and also to convey them accurately to everyone.  So I will try to do it actively again and again.
Thirdly, I heard yesterday that the buildings in MIT have structures that can allow students to easily access their respective labs to interact with each student, so that they can listen to many opinions to discover something new.  That is what "connection" means.
I don't think I've been able to respond and speak out loud to everyone yet, so I'm going to try.

Ayuka T
