

国際交流 < 過去のニュース

2023グローバルリーダー研修 in Boston Students’ diary 6


Aug 20 2023

The sunlight was very nice and warm today, though it’s a little cold here in Boston.
In the morning session, we learned what design thinking was.  It is the way of thinking of how to create new solutions through five steps; emphasize, define, ideation, prototype, and test.  This can be so useful when you have to face problems.  With this method, our team talked about how to spread solar panels around the country.  At first I thought that it was a good idea to have the government pay the cost to set the panels on our houses, but I instantly noticed the payment came from the tax we had paid.  How complicated it is to think about social problems!
Through today’s discussion, I learned another really important thing.  In Japan, without realizing it, I was too critical to accept what others said.   But in this program, I learned that any opinions were okay because they were just opinions.  Even if one of them seems too optimistic, we can brush it up and make it an amazing idea.  So I have now decided to try to bring up any ideas.  The person who can do this must be called a leader.

Maho S
