

国際交流 < 過去のニュース

2023グローバルリーダー研修 in Boston Students’ diary 5

Aug 20 2023

Today we learned about design thinking.  Using this method, our group discussed how we can make solar panels more accessible to everyone.  During the discussion, I thought what if there was an energy that was more efficient, cheaper, less harmful to the environment, and which didn't depend on the weather.  However, we don't have such an energy now, so I suggested that we should use sustainable energy or discover and create such an energy.  During the lunch time, we went to the pizza stand, and our group leader said to me, "You should have one slice.”  I wondered if it was enough.  But soon I understood why she said so.  It was unbelievably big!  It was the gap between two cultures.

Afterwards, we walked around Harvard University and asked students in campus various questions.  To be honest, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do in the future before I came here, but now I’m starting  to find out what I want to do.  From now on, I will do four things.
1. Open my mind to everything.
2. Try to do everything.
3. Feel my own passion.
4. Try to find problems around us.

I also realized that it is very important to actively ask questions when something comes to your mind.  Even if I am not sure what someone said, I should not hesitate to ask.

Haruna K
